by Andy | 11th Apr 2019 | CSI Eddie Collins, The Death of Jessica Ripley
I’ve split this blog post into two halves because I wanted to tell you about the new book but without spoilers until you’d had a chance to read it first. Come to think of it, I’ll put the rest of this post on the website under the tab The Story of… > The Death of...
by Andy | 20th Jan 2017 | Ledston Luck
Launch Day. I take my hat off to Amazon. I’ve had Ledston Luck uploaded onto the dashboard for the better part of 6 weeks. All I had to do to launch it was press GO. But I kept it there until the advertised launch date so that I might fix any errors that advance...
by Andy | 29th Nov 2016 | Ledston Luck, Writing
I have a feeling of déjà vu. I’m at the end of a book. I’ve finished the first draft, finished the second draft where I check the story, tighten it up, ditch the stuff that the story doesn’t need, and add bits where it needs reinforcing. I’ve finished the third draft...