Ever done something and then wondered later if it was the right thing to do? Yeah, me too.
I’ve published quite a few books, but this is the first time I’ve ever gone the ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) and pre-order route. I usually hit the big green ‘publish now’ button and run away quickly to hide in a corner where no one can see me, or laugh at me or point their finger at me.
This time, I’ve stuck my head above the parapet. I’ve taken a deep breath and shouted, “It was me wot did it!”
A week or two ago, news came back from several beta readers that filled me with delight: this was the page-turniest page-turner I’d ever written; it was a fantastic story; I was destined for stardom… Okay, I made the last one up, but you get the idea.
So maybe I’m not so brave after all. It matters not; what matters is that the book is one step closer to being available to the world. And I’ll be just another author who feels very proud and more than a little scared of people’s reactions. And I’ll be just one more head at which people can throw rocks at.
“Just doing my job, Ma’am.”