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Reader’s Pics and Tales

This is the place for readers to show off their photographic skills and their superb taste in thrillers!

If you’d like to see an image of yourself on this page with one of my books, or just the book, or just even yourself, please send it to me at

This is also the place for stories that you’ve written. It’s my great pleasure to post them here for others to enjoy.

If you would like your work (no more than 1000 words*) to appear on this page, please email them to me at

In all cases, the copyright belongs to the photographer/author; please respect it, and contact them directly if you wish to use anything here.

*Sorry, I cannot undertake any editorial work. By sending images or stories you are granting me permission to show them here. I reserve the right to refuse to post any image or story I deem unfit for the audience.